Hotel Management System in Grpc

November 24, 2023
See the code for this post on the resto-mgmt-grpc-api repository.


This is a simple Hotel Management System in gRPC. It is a microservice based application. It has 3 microservices.


1. Hotel Service

This service is responsible for managing the hotels. It has the following functionalities:

1.1. Create Hotel

1.2. Get Hotel

1.3. Get All Hotels

1.4. Update Hotel

1.5. Delete Hotel

2. Room Service

This service is responsible for managing the rooms. It has the following functionalities:

2.1. Create Room

2.2. Get Room

2.3. Get All Rooms

2.4. Update Room

2.5. Delete Room

3. Booking Service

This service is responsible for managing the bookings. It has the following functionalities:

3.1. Create Booking

3.2. Get Booking

3.3. Get All Bookings

3.4. Update Booking

3.5. Delete Booking

How to run

1. Install dependencies

go mod download

2. Run the services

go run main.go

3. Run the client

go run client/main.go


See the code for this post on the resto-mgmt-grpc-api repository.